Tap to Ride Aboard All Clean Air Express Buses
You can pay your Clean Air Express fare using a credit or debit card or your mobile wallet on your smart phone or watch. The Clean Air Express team has been hard at work this summer installing upgraded data systems and credit card readers on Clean Air Express buses so you have a new payment option that is a fast, easy and secure way to pay.
As long as your Visa or Mastercard has a contactless symbol, you can tap to ride.
Pay your fare on the Clean Air Express the same way you buy a latte at a coffee shop by tapping to pay with a contactless-enabled Visa or Mastercard or your smartphone or watch’s mobile wallet.
Using the card reader, a single fare is $6, with a maximum daily charge of $10, the same fare as using the current 10-Ride pass for two daily trips. The maximum charge over a 30-day period is $150, so pass holders with a July pass are advised to wait until August to use the new fare payment system to avoid additional fare payments in July.